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A new way to invest in clean energy innovation: Breakthrough energy catalyst


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Earth School

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How do we bring the next generation of climate solutions to market in time to avoid a climate disaster? Catalyst brings together philanthropists, governments, and leading companies to make bold investments in technologies where an influx of capital will accelerate the path to commercial success—reducing emissions and creating new, high-paying jobs for decades to come.

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Below is a quick summary of the four technologies mentioned in this video. Each is key to reaching net zero, either because they help decarbonize "hard to abate"sectors or, as in the case of direct air capture, help draw down emissions already in the air.

Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is a form of hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, through electrolysis. It can become a key player in the transition to a low-carbon economy, as it can be used as a clean fuel for transportation, heating, and power generation. Accelerating the production of green hydrogen requires increased investment in renewable energy sources and the development of more efficient and cost-effective electrolysis technology. Governments and private companies are already investing in this promising technology. As its production costs continue to decrease, it could become a significant part of our energy mix in the future.

Direct Air Capture

Direct air capture (DAC) is a technology that involves removing carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the atmosphere. This is done by using chemical processes to capture CO2 molecules from the air, which can then be stored underground or utilized in various industrial applications. Unlike other forms of carbon capture, which capture CO2 emissions from specific sources like power plants or industrial processes, DAC can remove CO2 from any location, making it a promising technology for reducing atmospheric carbon levels. However, DAC is expensive and energy-intensive, and significant advancements are needed to make it a viable option for widespread implementation. Investment and government subsidies can reduce the cost curve for direct air capture and other carbon removal technologies. Nonetheless, as the urgency of addressing climate change grows, the development and deployment of DAC technology may become increasingly important.

Long-duration energy storage

Long-duration energy storage is a crucial tool in the fight against climate change. One of the main challenges of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power is their intermittent nature, which means that their output varies depending on weather conditions and other factors. Long-duration energy storage can help address this challenge by storing excess energy generated during periods of high production and making it available when renewable sources are not producing enough energy. This improves the reliability and stability of the electrical grid and reduces the need for fossil fuel-powered backup systems, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions. With the increasing use of renewable energy sources in transitioning to a low-carbon economy, the need for long-duration energy storage is becoming increasingly important in ensuring a sustainable and stable energy supply.

Sustainable aviation fuel

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a type of aviation fuel produced from sustainable feedstocks, such as waste oils, agricultural residues, and non-food crops. It has a lower carbon footprint than conventional jet fuel. The importance of SAF in fighting climate change lies in its potential to significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with air travel, one of the fastest-growing sources of carbon emissions. SAF can reduce emissions by up to 80% compared to conventional jet fuel, making it a key tool in the aviation industry's efforts to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Additionally, the production and use of SAF can provide economic benefits by creating jobs and promoting the development of new industries. As more airlines commit to using SAF and investment in its production increases, it has the potential to play a significant role in reducing the aviation industry's carbon footprint and helping combat climate change.

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About Earth School

We can save the world. Speed and Scale shows us how to unlock a cleaner, healthier and safer future by laying out a roadmap that will get us to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. How’s it going to work? We need to electrify transportation, decarbonize the grid, fix food, protect nature, clean up industry and remove carbon. To learn how we’re going to do all that - and to learn how you can take action now - explore this page.

Meet The Creators

  • Video created by Bill Gates
  • Lesson Plan created by TED Ed

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