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How to enter flow state


5,557 Questions Answered

Build Character

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Flow is more than just concentrating or paying attention; it's a unique mental state of effortless engagement. And those who more frequently experience flow report higher levels of positive emotions, creativity, and feelings of accomplishment. But what exactly is flow? And how can we find it in our daily lives? Explore steps you can take to increase your chances of finding flow.

Additional Resources for you to Explore

In recent years, "flow" has become a ubiquitous term among scientists and laypeople alike. If you'd like to learn more about where our fascination with this elusive mental state came from, you might like to read the book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, originally  published in 1990 by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1934-2021). Csikszentmihalyi is considered one of the founders of positive psychology and referred to by man as the "father of flow." Read here for an overview of his research, or if you'd like to hear from the scientific pioneer himself, watch his moving 2004 TED Talk on "the secret to happiness."

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About Build Character

Character refers to ways of thinking, acting, and feeling that benefit others as well as ourselves. Character is plural—encompassing strengths of heart, mind, and will. Like social and emotional learning, the elements that make up character can be taught, learned and practiced, and we’re here to help. Explore this page to strengthen your kindness, grit, decision making, curiosity, emotional intelligence and more - brought to you by TED-Ed and Character Lab.

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  • Video created by TED-Ed
  • Lesson Plan created by TED Ed

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